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Pilates Classes Knutsford | Pilates Cheshire
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Pilates Classes in Knutsford - Cheshire
 'In ten sessions you'll feel the difference, in twenty you'll see the difference, in thirty you'll have a new body'

Do you want to achieve a fitter, more supple body? Come to one of my Pilates classes and I will help you achieve improved balance coordination, flexibility, posture and strength

I have been working in the fitness industry for 26 years and for the last 23 years have been practising and teaching Pilates classes both in Europe and the UK. I have extensive experience of teaching Stott® Pilates and passionately believe in its benefits of promoting physical and emotional well-being. Pilates is a physical fitness system encompassing basic principles of spinal and pelvic alignment and the development of a strong core, originally developed by Joseph Pilates. Stott Pilates® is a contemporary version of the original exercise system, developed to ensure that it keeps pace with current scientific and biomechanical research – making it one of the safest and most effective methods of exercise and rehabilitation available.


Whatever your level there’s a Pilates class to suit you, so come along and train – either on your own, with a friend or a small group of friends or try a class. Matwork Classes are fun. We use a variety of small equipment such as the flex band, Magic circle, foam roller, wobble board and rotator discs.  If you would like to try the traditional Pilates Studio equipment, I have  classes on  the Reformer, Chair, Spine Corrector and Barrels. These classes can be taken on a one to one, partner or in small groups.  


For more details, please review the Classes, or call me to discuss your individual requirements. I am also a fully qualified instructor of the highly-acclaimed Pink Ribbon Program – a specialist exercise regime for people recovering from breast cancer surgery. Life after surgery can be a longer road for some than it is for others, and this Pilates-based Program is designed to help cope with the post-operative challenges that people face. To benefit from this essential rehabilitation course, please contact me today. 

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